Welcome to TETRIX... Tetrix is patterned after Nintendo’s popular Game Boy ‘Tetris’. Our version of this exciting little game offers a few additional options to further your enjoyment. TETRIX History... One of our employees wrote the original code beginning 3/21/90 11:26 AM. This was on his own time I am told. It was shortly after the Game Boy hit the market. It was playable, but rough around the edges. Now in our spare time again, we decided to spruce it up abit and release it to some bulletin boards as FREEWARE. This is the first release version 1.0 with or without digitized sound. Not much testing (officially) has been done, so if bugs arise, please lets us know. Which TETRIX to use... Two versions are available. A version with digitized sound has difficulty running on some systems at this time. It does not run on a Mac Plus, but seems fine on our Mac II system. The version without sound is much smaller (no sound files) in size and perhaps not as fun, but it seems to run fine on the Macs we have tried so far. Maybe in our spare time we can look into this problem and release a fix for it. Who is playing TETRIX... We would like to know who is playing TETRIX. Please send us a postcard or letter letting us know what you think of the game. This is FREEWARE, so only your ideas, suggestions, comments, etc. are all we need (well maybe a thanks for a good cheap Mac game). Game Objectives... Align and rotate Tetrix blocks as they descend toward the bottom of the playing field. It seems best to have the blocks lay as flat as possible along the bottom. If the blocks are allowed to build too high before a row is completed, it will be more difficult to move and orientate them as desired. Generally completing rows of blocks as quickly as possible yields a higher score. HELP... ****** Apple Menu ****** The About box is located here. This simply displays a dialog box telling you a little about us and TETRIX. Hit a carriage return button or click on the ‘OK’ button with the mouse to dismiss the dialog box and return to the game. ****** File Menu ****** The first menu selection starts a NEW game. The player can also use the command key combination ‘N’ with the same effect. The second menu selection ENDs the current game. Again the user may use the command key combination ‘E’ instead of the mouse. The last selection on the File menu Ends the current game, QUITs the program and returns you to the Finder. ****** Feature Menu ****** The first three items are Hierarchical menus. The first of the three allows you to choose one of four board sizes (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large). By default board size is set to medium. On a Mac with a smaller screen size (9”), the Large board is not available. The second item allows you to adjust the speed to match your skill level. There is an internal clock (timer) that governs the speed of the game. The ‘BEGINNER’ level is set to 15, the ‘AVERAGE’ level is 12, and the ‘EXPERT’ level is set at 9. The lower the number the faster the game. One word of caution, for every ten rows completed the speed is increased by 1. The third item allows you to set the sound volume to your liking. When you QUIT the program, the original sound volume of your system is restored. Next on the menu is ‘HELP FILES’. You are there now. ‘HIGH SCORES’ allows you see the six highest scores to date. Other information presented here tells the ‘Board Size’ used, their ‘Skill Level’ and the number of ‘Rows’ they completed. When the ‘HIGH SCORE’ screen appears after a game has ended, it has not been updated to show your score. Clicking on the ‘UPDATE’ button will do so. If desired, you may clear or erase all high scores by selecting the ‘CLEAR’ button. After a ‘CLEAR’ has been issued, you may again ‘UPDATE’ the high scores. Doing this will cause your current score to be entered at the top of the list. Clicking on the ‘SAVE’ button will ‘UPDATE’ the high scores and dismiss the dialog box. ‘KEY OPTIONS’ displays a dialog box showing six Icons or symbols. The player may select different keys by clicking on the appropriate Icon and pushing the desired key for that action. Please note that lower and upper case characters are treated as different keys. Select either the ‘TEMP’ or the ‘SAVE’ button when finished selecting keys. Selecting the ‘TEMP’ button stores these keys only until you ‘QUIT’ the program. The ‘SAVE’ button on the other hand permanently saves the changes until you change them again. ‘MENU OPTIONS’ displays a simple dialog box that briefly explains the menu options available to the player. Hitting the ‘OK’ button dismisses the dialog box, returning you to the game. Selecting the ‘HELP’ button will bring to the screen this ‘HELP’ file. ProSoft Inc. 2754 Cardigan Lane Mound, Minnesota 55364 (612) 472-5596